How much are the fees?
Our fees range from £510 – £740 per week depending on the room. There may be additional charges based on the dependency needs of the resident. See – What does it cost?
Does the Home provide Sky or cable?
There is no Sky or cable, but all televisions have access to freeview channels.
Does the Home provide radios?
Residents who wish to use a radio can bring in their own or use the radio facility on the television.
Can I bring in my own possessions?
Small items of furniture and personal possessions can be brought in to personalise bedrooms, on discussion with the Home.
Can I bring a pet?
Pets cannot reside at James Hirons but are very welcome to be brought in to visit.
What is the application process?
A visit to the Home is recommended as a first step, followed by discussions with the Manager who will advise on further arrangements. A pre-admission assessment is always carried out.
Does the Home provide respite care or convalescence?
Yes, James Hirons can provide post-operative support during convalescence as well as respite care, from one night or as long as needed.